Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 18/19/20/21

I'll start posting weekly from here on out. Posts every few days is too much.

Yoga X

The warrior sequences are still killer, but starting to see some flexibility progress. Not much, but some.


I had somewhat of an epiphany with the pull ups today. Getting a good extra few reps with some slight form change. Actually actively trying to use my back instead of letting my arms do most of the work. The leg portion is hard as usual, sore butt for a few days and sore calves.

Kenpo X

This day still seems easy to me, but it is pretty fun, and helps with my leg flexibility. We ended up doing it late at night.

X Stretch

Not much to say here, except my right side is much more flexible than my left.

3 weeks down. We're starting the recovery week, so I don't know really what we're in store for. In the last 3 weeks I feel better, and seem to have more energy during the day. My goal is to gain a little bit of muscle mass, but that seems like it's going to be hard. I don't eat as much as I need to, with my metabolism and with how many calories I'm burning. I'm trying to eat a lot of protein though and think I'm doing alright on that.

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