Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 6/Day 7

Kenpo X

Kenpo X was a fun day, doing a lot of kicks and punches. I felt like it wasn't as great of a cardio work out as the plyometrics at all. But I still worked up a bit of a sweat, and it was something new.

Soreness Factor: 6/10 My calves are super sore from the day before, the leg workout did a lot of calf exercises. Other than that everything is slightly sore.

X Stretch

Day 7 was a stretch or rest day. 45 minutes of stretching and it felt great. Definitely needed. I struggled through the week with energy and being tired. I fell asleep on Sunday afternoon after a good nights rest. I have been eating good, and a lot more than usual, so hopefully my body can adjust and have more energy, rather than less.

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