Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 8/Day 9

Chest/Back, Ab Ripper X

Start of the 2nd week and things should be getting easier. Not. Today was just as hard as last monday, if not harder. I guess it's all about how hard you push yourself. The work out was a struggle, and my numbers weren't much better than week 1. I'm going to start leaving out the soreness factor, because I think my body has adjusted to being physically active again. Most of my body is sore today still, but it is dull, and typical of what you think of when you are sore. I am still taking it easy on the leg raise type exercises from the Ab ripper, next time I will try a bit harder on those.


Same story, different week. Jump training is what they call plyometrics, and they aren't joking. About 20 different versions of jump squats, knee raises, and a couple other random jumping exercises, your legs feel like jelly after the work out, and if you are like me and have been a couch potato for the last 6 months you'll be gasping for air the whole time. Still my favorite day so far, other than the stretch day.

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