Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 16/17


Still going strong, my knees felt a bit sore though, so hopefully that goes away. Plyo really is a killer on the legs and the lungs, but it's a fun day. After the off day I had before I made sure to eat well today. That seems pretty important and viewing your food as fuel has been becoming a good habit. Instead of eating what you feel like, you can look at a food and figure out what you're getting out of it, and how you body is going to use it. Frozen burrito's didn't seem to do anything nice for me yesterday. I have been consistently eating brown rice, broccoli and salmon for lunch. Yogurt, oatmeal and Odwalla smoothies for breakfast (prefer green machine, but I buy the assorted pack). Dinner is usually some chicken or talapia with random sides like potatoes. I've almost ran out of my protein drink mix, so I am going to have to search around for another recovery drink.

Arms/Shoulders, Ab Ripper X

I went out and bought some bands today, because I didn't have the right weights, and dumbbells are very expensive. I don't know how i feel about using the bands, I felt like I didn't get a great work out, but maybe because I need to get used to which bands I need for each exercise. I'll give them some time before I make my mind up about them. I still got an alright work out, so I feel good about it. Today was my best Ab Ripper day yet. I still struggle on heels to the heavens, and the V up/Roll up combo is pretty killer too, but other than that, pretty solid. I am seeing some good progress here.

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