Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 4

Yoga X

This was the hardest day for me so far. The previous workouts were hard, but nothing special. The ab workout has been pretty brutal, but still, just regular ab work. Focus through the burn and you get through it. Yoga X was a different story. Going through 50 different warrior sequences for an hour is not easy. For one, I am the most inflexible person I can think of, so on top of the burn of sitting in the lunge position for most of the hour, I was struggling to even do the poses. The last half hour was a sequence of different balance poses. Some were easy, some were advanced. It was an enjoyable workout, but I had to sit out more on this day than any of the other days combined. This is where I need to work the most, so hopefully I'll see some good improvement here.

Soreness Factor: 3/10 Mildly sore in my biceps and throughout my legs. Muscles seem to be getting used to the work outs and I feel good.

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