Wednesday, February 3, 2010

P90x time.

Okay so me and Alexis have decided to start the p90x work out program. It is 90 days and supposedly super hard and gets you ripped and in great shape. I am posting this 3 days into the training, and I still need to take the before pictures for the before/after comparison. I'll give a little recap of day 1 and day 2.

Day 1: Chest and Back / Ab Ripper X

Okay day 1 was hard but manageable. Lots and lots of push ups, all different kinds. Decline, diamond, military, under the fence, you name it, we did it. Lots and lots of pull ups. Close grip reverse, wide grip reverse, regular, any kind you can think of. It's good because you can go at your own pace and do the amount of reps that you want. Didn't really break a sweat but my arms were a bit dead at the end from all of the pushing and pulling. Chest and back took 60 minutes. Ab Ripper X took only 15 minutes but it was brutal. 350-something crunch reps in 15 minutes. Leg lifts, sit ups, things I've never heard of, good stuff.

Soreness Factor: 3/10 - The day after, my chest, back and abs were slightly sore. My hip flexors were moderately sore from the Ab Ripper

Day 2: Plyometrics

Plyometrics is basically a lot of jump training, for leg strength, cardio, explosiveness. Today was really hard. I was breathing hard and sweating just 5 minutes in, and it was a full 60 minute workout. You do a lot of different exercises with a lot of motion range, and you are airborne for a lot of them. It feels really good, but hard to keep up. Lots of different types of lunges, jumping lunges, twisting lunges, all kinds of things. I enjoyed this work out a lot, but very tough.

Soreness Factor: 15/10... why didn't anybody warn me. The Ab Ripper really hit me tonight, after the plyometrics and relaxing the rest of the evening my hip flexors were starting to feel very tight and sore. I woke up at 1 in the morning because my front of my legs hurt so bad right up near my hips. I could not straighten my legs without them hurting, so I tried to sleep in a ball, but that didn't work very well. I did my best to get up in the morning and get to work, but again, I couldn't stand up straight without my legs really hurting. I had to walk around all day feeling like a freakin bow legged gorilla. Good thing I have a desk job. Side note, my butt and thighs were only slightly sore. If you have weak hip flexors, beware of the Ab Ripper!

I'll try to make updates each morning the day after each workout. So far so good, 2 days down, 88 to go. The time commitment is a bit daunting, but it will be great.

1 comment:

mike said...

bout time your lazy fat butt get in shape. hahah jk. i like the idea of someone who i think of as physically fit, being sore from watching dvds.

i actually got some exercise recently and it was amazing. image 50 people (thats a lot), runners, geared up, with head bands and tights, running on the streets in a downtown city, half of us pouring off the sidewalks and onto the roads because we have too many of us.

then imagine us _running_ to a bar, ordering drinks, then running to the next bar, over, and over again.

it was _amazing_. when you come down. we will make sure it'll be on an event night. seriously, one of the best things i've ever done.