Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 8

Recovery week didn't go so well. We skipped a few days, like I said, losing steam. But we're starting our last phase so we are going to finish strong. 5 weeks left.

With phase 2 over, I'll do a little assessment.

Chest/Tri: My push ups feel a bit better, but not as much progression as I would like.
Back/Bi: My pull up numbers have improved greatly, from 5-8 per set to 12-20 per set.
Abs: Every session still hurts, I hate it. But, I can do every rep now.
Legs: I can physically see improvement in my legs and they feel stronger, but my vertical hasn't seemed to change, boo.
Lungs: I feel like I have more endurance, and I played hard basketball with no asthma, so I think I'm making good progress here
Flexibility: I feel more flexible, in my hips especially. It's still a fight every time though, my left leg is giving me a hard time.

Overall I feel much better, I don't notice any physical results really. My legs and abs have more definition maybe. I wasn't expecting a lot in that department. I am stronger and in better shape for sure though. I guess it's time to push it this last phase and see if we can really do some damage.

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